Sanctuary - August 4, 2019 - "All Things for His Good" Romans 8:18-30

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When In Rome  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  2:19:04
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It's rainy. So she can hold the baby and seeing like an angel.

Yeah, you put it on with your shoes on. Okay.

very tired

they swapped cars with inside of Orlando.

Did you have fun here? Good.

I would tell any.

What's the hair faster just a hair? I need one. If we don't have them.

And then he is not.

If Nancy is not going to be here.

All To God Be The Glory got in there, okay.

I'm poo. AO3

I'm allowed three.

We're going with our peanut. So are you starting with to God be the glory?

Mom will tear you in on to God be the glory. Play No Dell. What key are you playing in?

a flat out of the handle


so do we not have this we won't have the split screen ever again or

I don't think I like that. Okay. So were you able to see it up there? I can see it. Can you not see it? All good. All right, that's one way to get him to the front. That's what they're doing.

Okay, what's that? OK Google probably say something between these though, just so you know, All right, so if we don't have a split screen Carol. We're going to have to have those words quicker before. cuz that's where like

I know you can do it Carol. Alright, let's try it again. Go ahead machine.

What a beautiful. What is beautiful?

Western Australia

Whitehall Elementary

no more than wonderful.

one more

You saw the lights.

The heavens are roaring.

Alright, well, then we'll just go back and repeat that chorus again. Okay the birds. Okay. Alright.

All right the second time through

Back to that chorus again. Okay, that's fine. Okay, go ahead and

alright right there where?

Water park Orlando Water Park full name it is the name of Jesus Christ my king what a powerful name. It is. Nothing can stand against. What a powerful name. It is the name of Jesus right there, but you have no rival.


You have no rival. You have no equal.

Death could not hold him was first one.

This is Greg's true.

Now I'm forever God you Reign if you got it.

Then you go back to the car. I'm just do the forest again. And it ends with what a powerful name. It is three times after nothing can stand against.

Is this kind of Peter salt? Fayetteville

I don't know how Peter got in it.

Okay. Alright, then start with just could not hold you.

I'm sorry for you.

So it goes right back into that after that bridge right Jean it like goes right into it.

The name of Jesus, okay.

Okay, so

After we sing that then it's offering are you doing it? All 4:20 today? Okay. All right. All right.

There is nothing.

Play Air Supply. Where is strange?

slow right now

Am I sure? This is what I was. Be sure you come in on that as strength. The prices are our so those directions to prop is up top stove. I've ever found like a flood coming down Reddit across ready.

Call Mom.

iol to you

weather this week

Supposed to be at the cross at the cross where she's going to be at the cross at the cross again. At the cross at the cross at that one. I thought so. Erica place

All right. Let's go to after the first car

after the first car at the cross at the cross I Surrender my life. I'm in awe of you. I'm in awe of you where your love ran red my Cinemark quit white I owe all to you. I also need Jesus right right there verse to there's a place where sin and shame.

are powerless

and they're my heart. Have you got it? Are peace with God? and forgiveness

where all the love I've ever found. The flood comes floating down and then chorus again right away at the cross at the cross. I put that chorus back in there.

At the cross at the cross and then here my hope is phone.

Yeah, the whole car at the cross at the cross. I Surrender my life. I'm in awe of you. I'm in awe of you where your love ran red with my friend or flight I owe all to you. I will see you. You're my hope. It's on here my on Holy Ground here. I bow down here I bow down. here arms open wide

You saved my life.

Here I bow down here. I bow down then the chorus again. Yep. Actually twice, but I don't know if we'll do it like that the lorry.

and Lori You probably want to do let's just do that cars once at the end and then he'll probably want to do it again. Go back to at the cross. I will just do at the cross at the cross Darkness run again.

and then

Charlie Brown and we're just doing it once right then and then he'll probably ask for it. preferred coming up for duper prayer and we'll just do that tour us again.


I can't see it that far. Okay.

Play Wherever I Go.

AAA registry

The second time there isn't but if you don't come in, I'll just play it again anyway, so you can come in. All right, I mean

The first one to have that measure. All right.


Do what now? Oh.

Doesn't have Jesus at the end.

It's not on the music.

We have I owe all to you three times there at the end.

It's no but at the end of the very end, I owe all to you is three times not to time. Yeah at the the last time. Of course.

Trey Trace, I know it's a little different.

Laurie what do you want to do at the very end?

Okay, John, just tell me. What you want to do at the very end?

What a beautiful name it is.

All right.

So we're coming up for communion.

Well, you know why the very nice town is what a powerful name it is. What a powerful name. It is a powerful name. It is the name of Jesus. Nothing can stand against.

schedule Well, I know it.

All right. All right.

On there, Did you just start right out with verse one and not the cars cuz he's done it reports first, but we're fine with verse 1 through 4.

What do you have on there for there is a redeemer.

That's the next song. after pastoral prayer

Oh, okay. You you take your pick a moment.

There is a redeemer verse 1 through 12.

All right. We're on and the baby fell asleep.


Maybe any weight.

water shoes

2 Chainz

and then

I don't know what to say to getting up there with you or you're just doing it.

Hey, Jean, can you do a favor for me?

Send baby milk.

I don't blame her.

At last chords of what a beautiful name. so it's

how to make your way back to your seat

Hasn't he done some amazing things in your life. I know he's done some amazing things in my life first and foremost. He forgave me of my sins and they were many and he has for he who is willing to forgive any of your sins and I'm sure he has forgiven a lot of your sins. I heard something this morning. I thought I need to share this this morning. It said God is worthy of every song we could ever sing and it's true. He is so worthy of that and we are So Unworthy to be able to sing that to him, but he loves it when we do I'm going to ask everyone if you would stand it's a it's a small thing to ask to stand and reverence of God and we're going to sing about his beautiful name this morning. Leave all your worries. Leave them outside. Don't worry about getting to the restaurant on time. Don't worry about I have to do this this week. Can we just leave it at the door and just spend this time and worshipping the Lord who is worthy of all the songs that we can sing.

a beautiful day

Hey, beautiful.

New Jersey

Rancho Viejo

Whistling Straits

Hey, man, you can be seated. That's all got a captured what happens to me in private worship from time to time, but I just have to be quiet. I love the quietness in the middle of that song where can really focus on God's presence and then we began to say again brought us into joyous praise. And I know the personal worship is very important, but there's something about singing that song about the power of the name of Jesus together and they hear the voices raised. And so thank you for that. That's what I'm doing counter the living Christ to to Phyllis presents to know he's here and to do that together and I just praise the Lord for every Sunday morning when we have an opportunity to do that what is time to give to give from what he has provided to us and you have your ties and offerings those of you give here in the service of others of you give online and that's a wonderful thing as well during our offering time. We also asked you to pass the pee pad the Friendship had down the roadway and if you have a prayer request make sure I see that died. I pray over those every Monday morning. And then if you are with us for the first time ever you just returned. For another visit and we love to get in touch with you and add you to our mailing list. And so please put your name and your email address your phone number your address, whatever it takes to get in touch with you. We'd love to have that information and then pass it on down the road. Let's pray Lord Jesus. Thank you for what you've given to us in our lives and now we use that in a blessing others and as we devote ourselves to you may this offering symbolize our devotion are full Devotion to you in every way for it is in your name. We pray amen.




Where am I?

Play all all to him praise the Lord. Turn our time of prayer this morning many of us are shocked and saddened by the events yesterday to shooting events in in El Paso. And in Dayton the area of Dayton that they mention I've been they're going to bring it home. Doesn't it? We don't know the answers to what's going on with these one after another day. Yusuf violence against neighbors and friends and people we don't even know what can we do while we can pray there are other things we may be able to do to reach out to those that we think maybe in trouble. The church has a responsibility even Beyond prayer and let's pray for what we might be able to do for churches in El Paso and Dayton might be able to do there are no easy answers, but we have a big God, don't we? And we want to just lay it at all at his feet and do what we can to be a part of the of the solution. We have several people to hear you on our prayer today was her last couple of two more here. It's great to have Peggy back in a great report this week. Also Kathleen being here. And and I after I going through her surgery and Jager has gone over to Life Care and so Susan is very optimistic about that. So continue to pray for Ed others on the name. We continue to pray for Tony and his situation as well. So there may be others and please folks helped us when you know of someone who is going in for surgery was going to the hospital call Church office or call me. My phone number is there in the bulletin and make sure you let me know cuz we want to add those are prayer list and I want to be involved in that as I can. I did find out today that Patty Rayburn is going in. Surgery on Tuesday, so we want to pray for Patty also, it was great to look in the prayer request for our missions country of the month and see my friends Scott and Jill Riggins and their five children and I got to know them very well while I was there and others that we're praying for in the field. It was so good again to have Ryan and Julie here. We want to continue to pray for a walk around the world of you have special requests. You may be praying for needs of your own life praying for others and we want to open the altar during this time. So, why you to come and pray others up to you may want to come and rejoice and what God has done for you so we can stand just for a moment to let people get out who need to let sing that course one more time, and then we'll go to prayer.

Derrick Rose


Lord Jesus we do all to you you pay the price for us to redeem us to reconcile us to God you were both judge and Redeemer and you have paid the price so that we can come to know you and to follow you and to be made like you. We owe our entire lives to you everyday every step of the way and Lord. We we are so grateful for your spirit in our life. We admit our weaknesses. We admit our struggles we admit our imperfections or Jesus but you continue to dwell in us to your spirit to shape us and mold us as you would have us to be at to live Lord. We do want to give all because you gave all to us Lord for the Deeds. I've been mentioned the situations that our own country in El Paso and dating are heavy on our hearts right now for other situations that have happened over the past few weeks or we don't have the answers. We have the heart. And the voice to pray and the hands and feet to be active in the ways that we need to in our own Community to reach out to those who are in trouble to prevent situations that put people in danger or Jesus help us to know the way guide us or we pray for those requests. We are so thankful for the good reports. We've had the people who we have seen recover for those who are recovering we pray for those who are going in just this week to face the surgeon's knife and we pray for your guidance in your healing and their lies, but Lord more than just the physical needs them on this we pray for the spiritual needs many of those are our personal or are appropriate in our small group and it's not what would not be something we would have nouns but Lord the spiritual needs in our hearts are just as real and just as important maybe even more so For those who were praying for their prodigal for children or relatives who are away from you Lord. We bring those to you as we are reminded every week of those here at the Salter Lord help us to be a part of your mission to them in every way that as we celebrate the the bread in the Cup today. May your spirit and do us with power at Phyllis a new may he fill us a new 2 to follow you Lord in all these things. We honor you we love you, and we give ourselves to you. It is in your name that we pray. Amen.

the scripture reading for this morning as Romans 8 chapter 18 verse 18 through 30 I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in US. For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to Decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God. We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the Pains of childbirth right up to the present time. Not only so but we ourselves who have the first fruits of the spirit groan inwardly as we eagerly await for our adoption to sonship the Redemption of our bodies for in this hope we were saved but hope that is seen is no hope at all who hopes for what they already have. But if we hope for what we do not yet. Have we wait for it patiently? In the same way the spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for but the spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans, and he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the spirit because the spirit intercedes for God's people in accordance with the will of God. And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew. He also predestined to be conformed to the image of his son that he might be the firstborn among among many brothers and sisters. And those he predestined he also called those he called. He also Justified and those he justified. He also glorified.

Well, the premise was a simple one every morning a man found a copy of the next day's newspaper at his front door. There was a company buy an orange cat. Knowing what was ahead the man had 24 hours to help right the wrongs that would make tomorrow's headlines. Now the TV show was about 20 years ago were so it was called Early Edition it ran from 1996 to 2000 was one of my favorites and it started Kyle Chandler as a stockbroker Gary Hobbs send you after being fired from his job and being thrown out of the house by his wife on their anniversary started finding this Advanced edition of the Chicago Sun-Times outside the door of a room. He was in at a run-down Hotel. No having this information about what was going to happen that day to be reported on the next day Gary had the opportunities and to influence the events of that day that he now had knowledge of selfishly or self Leslie. Dailies friend Chuck wanted scores of games winning lottery tickets and Rising stocks anything for quick money, but Gary's friend Marissa helped him to make the right choices to do what he could do to head off that day's tragedy. The question I was raised in the very first episode wasn't intriguing one. What if you knew what was going to happen tomorrow? What if you found the power to really change things the show aware that question reminded me of a much more lighthearted movie Groundhog Day. Now if you've not seen that it's one of my favorites don't worry is a weather man who is stuck on February 2nd. He has to live that same day over and over again. So he knows after War exactly what's going to happen already recognized after using the knowledge at first to benefit himself. But realizing that didn't really matter in the long run. He decided that the best way he could use that info over and over again was to help others to make the world a better place for those with whom he shared that day and when he learned that lesson. He was allowed to go on to the next day. Not a premise for rust is similar, but it's not simple. We wake up every morning and find on our bookshelf. a copy of a newspaper of sorts of events of the past and insights that will impact life in the present and in the future and we have 24 hours each day to help the right the wrongs. Which will make tomorrow's headlines will we use our knowledge to benefit ourselves?

What will we discover that the best way we can use our days over and over again? His style buzzers to make the world a better place for those with whom we share this day. When I first started writing sermons on Romans, I went straight to chapter 8, I mean, I love chapter 8 and too familiar versus were there. I thought I'm going to dig into those right away. And one of them we talked about a couple weeks ago. Didn't we if God is for us who can be against us we found out there's a lot that could be against its powers and people and problems and yet nothing separates us from God's love and that he's he and his lover man constant her life and how we respond can shape an eternal glory that far outweighs the things that face us. If God is for us who can be against us while a lot of things but yet nothing separates us from his love different perspective different response makes all the difference. What's the second most frequently quoted verse in that chapter and maybe most misunderstood is Romans 8:28. We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him now like Romans 8:31. That without the verses that follow that Paul shared about all the things he had gone through that were against him that had misplaced the instances of that verse on our success rather than on God's unfailing love this same can happen with Romans 8:28. Unless we include the journey that we've been on so far going to the Book of Romans living by the spirit following him having hope in the midst of suffering all those things that we talked about over the last seven or eight weeks and we really can begin by just including the last part of that verse.

Those who have been called according to his purpose God works in all things for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose. Yeah, we often stop at the word good don't we God works in all things for the good? Hey, that's me. I get that. I spoke at last year's commencement at asia-pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary they commencement banquet. The students who have completed their master's degree and students over and over again shared what a blessing it been to be at the Seminary that experience and it's not one that's available to a lot of people in Asia be able to go and do that yet. I sure them that the Seminary experience itself was really not the blessing. The blessing was to follow in terms of how they used the way God had shaped them and taught them the true blessing was still ahead and what they would give in Ministry to others, you know, I thought of that last week when Brian and Julie Julie were here and talking to our young people. And we pray for their blessings for their protection for their safety and all those things but really the blessing is in the work that they do it's in the hearts and the lives that they touch it's not for their benefit, but it's for his purposes in Okinawa. Remember Aladdin's encounter with a big blue genie at talked about that back in May. I wanted the big blue genie when I was about to slip off into that Creek remember something somebody to help me get out of that. Well, I'm Landon we know used his two wishes first two wishes to advance himself. He wanted Princess Jasmine to love him. He wanted to be a prince that she would be impressed with but by the third wish he realized that he couldn't keep pretending to be what he wasn't. And they began to care about that big blue genie and he use the third wish to set him free. Why the Latin we can be so easily tempted to put God in a box or in a lamp to keep him in our corner to keep him handy when we need him and never fully grasp his purpose what he wants why he's granted us the power that he has to bless those. Whom we encounter through those who love him. Dr. Al Perkins Pastor for many years and Idaho road that many Christians too often misinterpret this verse because they misunderstand the word blessing. We used blessing to refer to those things that God has given us right whole family and education good grades, right a boyfriend or a girlfriend a new car if we're talking to those who are younger something. We enjoy something that ensures us of Islam something that protects us as if listening was an end in itself.

Cuz I having an inward Focus rather than an outward Mission a cul-de-sac for only needs and desires rather than a passageway a Thorofare that takes us out into a needy world and Pastor Perkins called its spiritual role reversal. Now we recognize pilegard power and we know that he loves us and we conclude that he wants to provide for us.

And make us happy. To find your way into my prayers, doesn't it bless my food bless my travel. Keep me safe. Help me with this big test or this big job at work get me this job. And then another job with a bigger salary bless me with this or that do we find ourselves giving the orders to God?

About what he needs to do for us rather than asking him in our prayers about what we can do for him about his purpose is in our world and being happy suddenly shifts to become our main focus. And soon is priority of holding us in our life is replaced by advancing ourselves. That's spiritual role reversal. We become the master and God becomes a servant rather than the other way around. What what does it mean then to be called according to his purpose of God works in all things for the good of those who love him who are called according to his purpose. What is that purpose? How does God's love change us? How do how does it shape? What we consider as good in our lives? Could it be that God is calling us far beyond our own perspective toward what is good for his mission? toward a much greater good a more complete blessing then we might ever imagine otherwise So what is this Purpose with a little bit of historical perspective? Genesis chapter 12. Remember we talked about that several weeks ago God's covenant with Abraham included the promise of blessing. I will give you and your descendants a great blessing you will be blessed and really for someone in that culture having lots of descendants was an important thing. I'll give you all those descendants, but I'll give them to you so that you can be a blessing and bless the Nations you will bless the world all people on Earth will be blessed through you there. It is the original definition of the word blessing. Pause established early on and that that principle in Romans that we talked about no during the years that followed the children of Israel. Embrace that promise of being a blessed people But too often misunderstood their calling as have we as what a privilege rather than one of mission, so to use images from Aladdin. No, all we have to do is sing songs of praise and offer the right sacrifices rub the lamp in the right way and Are wishes his command? God kept reminding him to the profits that obedience was more important than any kind of ritual in it and like I himself a firm that what the Lord required was Justice and mercy and a humble walk with God. I'm a walk with God at that sell vertical Justice and mercy is horizontal. God is concerned that we would not only receive and love him but that we would love and bless others got it called the children of Israel to reflect that loving his character and in doing so to be a Beacon of Hope to the world. When Jesus came he said it to his disciples and he calls his church to do the same that whatever we do for the least of these. has faster the pastor who prayed over George Bush's inauguration. I think it was in 2005. He prayed I know if you remember that it's made an impression on me ever since he prayed for the least and the last and the Lost. And that is our mission. That's what we do in order to bless others Dakota God's purpose to reflect his love and to redeem the world is the same for us those who love Jesus who have received his Spirit. Dr. William greathouse wrote this Christians. Love God, no doubt about that, but that's not why all things work together for their good just because I love God the reason is not found in us, but it's found in God's Eternal purpose and the good that he works for those who love him focuses on that purpose his purpose. your world Which needs his love? And we are committed to as well. So what's his purpose number one is we got to live as his children? It begins with who we are or identity Our Heritage through him before we take on versus 18230 Wychwood. Just read to us. Let's look back in the passage that we dug into two weeks ago. Remember the last verse of a verse will actually it was three weeks ago. Wasn't it the last apart of verse 17 Where Paul says now if we are children, then we are heirs Heirs of God co-heirs with Christ. Yay. If indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may share in his glory. Whoops. That's what I called the fine print. of the agreement with God You know where we're led by the spirit of God. We are children of God and God's purpose in your life and mine Begins by living as his child and being led by his Spirit, but that also means taking on responsibilities which vocals suffering it means doing your job doing what God was doing what the dad want you to do that some part of it and a healthy family. We want our kids to give Arlo from the good that they can bring and that's the image of God working in us into our family. in the south the word, used to describe children whose focus is only on what they receive is what spoiled?

We're not to be spoiled children. We are to be children of God the god of mission the god of love. How do we live is his children according to his purpose where we live and eager expectation vs. 19 says their creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed and we take that eager expectation and we plowing in the world live. In the way we minister to others don't have to tell you when I first read that verse I thought it said the creation is waiting for this son of God to be revealed. I thought it was about Jesus comes back about having, you know, everything's going to get work done when Jesus comes back. So let's just wait it out. Not a whole lot we can do about how bad the world is. Not much we can do to change the mess. We're in. But then I realized that the word was plural. The creation is waiting for the sons of God to be revealed and then later translations, of course made it children because the daughters are a part of this too.

And the creation Wong's in the eager expectation for those who've been born again to step up to reveal themselves to live as children of God to address the problems that result that are resulting from a world that tries to live without him. And then you look at verse 22 and it Compares his expectation to the Pains of Labor. No, I have not gone through that. But many of you have one of those pains like it's like let's get this over with but once it's over what happens The Joy comes to pass eager expectations as if the in the Pains of childbirth because something great can happen. When the Holy Spirit comes in his delivery. And the verse says that these this this pain of childbirth this eager expectation is half as been happening right up to the present time. It's as if Paul is saying the time is now folks this is it a world in pain needs Jesus and it's time for us to step up cuz lines can be changed forever when we do too and that word we've seen so often in Romans Hope appears again in verse 24 Hope is what revolutions are made of. And it is our hope that drives us to action hole for what God will do. We await the Redemption of our own bodies are on South we're going through problems as well. We want the kind of world that they long for and that wheel on for that God's long for it long for that. We're all in this together. Books people were away from God or not the enemy. They're not we get ourselves into arguments with people about their their fee logical and their philosophical stance is rather than just loving them and caring about them and showing Christ's love to them. We won't always agree on everything but we were saved to give this hope and so they might receive the hope and share it with others and how are the sons and daughters of God to be revealed Back 2 verse 14 by being led by the spirit of God being led by the spirit of God. We have received his spirit and his Spirit breathe in us his identity his Spirit testifies to us that we are his children.

At what was God's purpose for what is God's Mission? What is Christ's intention for his children? To redeem the world. That's why we're here his resurrection. I was heard in the kingdom of God. We have been remade In His Image his kingdom is not off out there somewhere it is right now at the present time and we are called to be the first fruits. To usher in that Kingdom and his Reign on Earth right now. We don't need to wait for heaven. We bring Heaven here as God ministers through us and brings his Spirit and the world that you and I live in waits in eager expectation for that to be liberated from its bondage to Decay and brought into the Glorious freedom of the children of God. You know, I love it when they talked about the creation being subjected to frustration. It was Freedom that created that right. I mean God could have made us all robots going to stop love. God gave us the freedom of choice and in giving us that freedom. We were subjected to frustration if we chose the wrong way and we did. But guess what? There's a better Freedom that awaits and when we respond to his love and his mission in our life, and when we do that in other people's lives, and we work with them Define Jesus. deliberation from the Decay that came with that first step into misused freedom can be remedied and we can be brought into the Glorious freedom of the children of God folks. Our world is groaning as if in child childbirth, we saw that yesterday. Hoping that something better is coming. What if they see Jesus and you and me?

God's purpose is to give ourselves toward that Liberation the Glorious Freedom that he gives to those who will receive him. Second thing we live to serve. For life should be lived according to his purpose in His image. We must live to serve and we serve God how. by serving others

You know, it's a lot easier to to just pray that the people who have need will get what they need. And not realize that the blessing that we get our alive comes as we bless the lives of others, even when it's difficult and it is hard. It's not easy to get involved in the lives of people who are hurting for 17 says that we are Heirs of God in quarters of Christ and all those good things but it says we suffer in order that we may share in his glory and how did Christ manifest his glory to his death on the cross to the power of the Resurrection. We also must do that as well dying out to our selfish ambition dying out the living for ourselves and living for him. Suffering isn't just what we go through ourselves and some of you have suffered under the surgeon's knife or with illnesses. And that's very where we talked about that when we talked about chapter 5 and you glorify God as you stay intently focused on him. That's a wonderful way to deal with your suffering but they're suffering that also comes by bearing the burdens of others and what they are going through getting involved with their lives and I would think that Paul would tell us you want to know where you can go be blessed. Listen for the groaning. Listen for the groaning. Where is creation groaning waiting for the sons of God to be revealed. That's the place that we need to be where there are souls and situations. They need to be liberated from Decay and brought into the Glorious freedom of the children of God, and that's where we go. My strengthsfinder assessment told me that my number one strength is being an achiever. I want to take on things that I know I can succeed at unlike the sprinkler system. If you remember that. I tried to fix it and didn't do that. Great job.

You know, it's funny how the spirit keeps leading me into uncertainty and risk.

where I am weak the show that he himself is strong in my life from The Familiar confines of youth ministry where I was very comfortable and very good. to a college campus where can get kind of chaotic Peggy and I both in the midst of that with students who at a critical time in their life. And then he sends us in a difficult Financial challenges in for specific consecutive assignments. He sends us the 40 countries are made of 40 countries her along the way to some of those two of my involvement with in why I and then with the Asian Seminary where I didn't speak the language and I did always grasp the culture. I'm going anywhere. I'm pretty weak. What is in my weakness that what? He is made strong and the Holy Spirit has been my guide and my go-between and all of those situations by advocate in my counselor. And he is for all of us verse 24 tells us that it is for this hope that we are saved. We don't always see immediate results. We may not even know how to pray and it's funny how many times I've read that verse and I think well, that's about me. I don't even know how to pray for me and God said to me know you don't know how to pray for other people. You don't know what they're going through. You haven't been through but guess who's there to help you? The spirit is What I woke up to somebody that's dealing with something. I've never dealt with. I don't know what to do. But God says go anyway, go anyway, because I'm leading you there and I will strengthen you and show you how to make a difference in the spirit intercedes for us in all situations. We faced if we just walk across the room or walk across the street or go across town or whatever it is to share our life with those in need and a resume for Christ. Virgil Tamayo was a Filipino Pastor in the 1980s and 1990s. He and his wife raised three boys who loved Motocross the what was the score of the Marston alcohol and immorality you committed to his sons would live differently. And if they honor God they began to win so much that all the racers involved with the two miles would study the Bible with them and pray together. 20 years ago, February of 1999 Pastor Virgil was killed in automobile accident and the youngest son Sam was seated beside him. sustaining injuries that that he lives through but the memory of his dad and his involvement with them. Then go away.

So we did die that day. He did die out to his Ambitions to be a civil engineer and continue to compete his own motocross racer and he went to study for Ministry. Set alarm putting all that behind me to painful. The 12 years later. Call me back to Motocross in spite of the pain of him being there but not just to raise to begin a Ministry among Motocross families and fans on a track that they renamed Motocross Messiah Fairgrounds that was blessed to be there in 2016 when that new church was officially organized into a Church of the Nazarene and there are Motocross families today who would never have heard the word of God was there is a collective group of Christians who say come and join us as we study the word and read it together. Lay it later Sam said this he said when you have a passion to minister and connect to people Call Cheryl Egypt. Where to go and he'll make up the difference or perhaps even when it hurts, even when we feel inadequate that convinces the world that we're not in this for ourselves, but we're headed for the one that called us to his purpose. and the spirit helps us in our weakness in the things that we can't do in the grounds of the spirit that that you can't even put into words may match the grounds of creation. And guidance in accordance with the will of God if we just step out on faith and serve. Well, the last thing the third thing is that we live to save now. I know that God is the one who saves but who is he using his salvation plan you and me God's purpose in creation was wrapped up in his love giving himself to others even when it was risky.

He could have chosen the powerful but he chose the weak to show what could be accomplished through his resources in Jesus is radical obedience in his life of love reveal his plan for all of us the higher purpose that he's calling us to rather than just being happy and successful and plentiful and blessed know the blessing is out there to live out his salvation in us, you know is I looked over the youth group. at Camp two weeks ago I see so much potential. Not just for the future, but for today, I think back on a youth group and a young adult group 30 years ago. And how many of them are in Ministry today? Because we expose them to the need we got them out in sunshine clubs and reaching out to their friends and and that kind of connected with them. Paul admitted in verses 23 and 24 that we some of the grown eggs that we have is because we're not finished yet. It's our own Redemption and our own salvation or own grow that we're concerned about it. That's okay and we'll wait for Patiently that's the spirit Works within us and as we move out in Ministry to others he will teach us so much more that he would if we just sat back and said God when you're finished with me, I'll go out and do something for you know, in the midst of it. We carry the hopes that we have and the patience and the confidence out into our world. It's a shared calling we can do by ourselves. Do you send the young adults and the singer? Everybody's got we got to do it together. And as we journey together will find purpose in the pain and what we go through in the effort in the suffering in the the ordeal that we see falling the spiritual leader ship. God will work in all things. For the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose. It's worth. It folks. It's worth it, you know every Saturday throughout the year Thai Thai for Church of the Nazarene there in Manila would what have a special lunch in their neighborhood for the a few of the children who will go otherwise go without what during the Christmas season a few years back. They got a vision. I decided to take that lunch to new heights and set a goal to feed administer to 1,000 children. Nose has several weeks before Christmas members of the church were challenged to become involved to giving and volunteering in preparation for that Monumental de well in the first group first arrived at the basketball court where it was going to go on not very many were there. But soon children started pouring in with their parents. And the feeding of the 1,000 became a reality and folks it wasn't lead. By the older more established members of the congregation. It wasn't led by missionaries. It wasn't led by pastors. It was led by their young people's congregation that they called generation congregation or gencon. The old people encouraged they gave they support it. But everybody came together to facilitate those events and even today the feeding of the 1000 ride around Christmas time continues to happen and you see it back on the screen from last year every Christmas season the feeding of the 1000. In fact, they talked about changing it to make it more because more kids gone. And one of the leaders described that this way they said they are these our children but I am his child committed to serving him even when it means sacrificing suffering. My life is devoted to his work of Salvation so that his purposes can be accomplished through me and then she said this the world around me depends on it. OSHA says the word became flesh and dwelt among us and we will celebrate that in communion this morning his word now dwells in our flesh. We are his children. And we live at such we live to serve we live to save. That's a good news translation interprets Romans. 8:28 best. We know that in all things God works for good with those who love him Those whom he has called according to his purpose folks. It's more work than that magic Genie saying But it's more what blessings are all about. And here's the good news on top of that. If God is for us who can be against us if we serve him if we love him according to his purpose his mission in the world. Nothing can stop us. Because we cannot be separated from his love and if God is for us who can be against us when spray. Lord Jesus as we come to the table this morning. We do so recognizing your Supreme sacrifice.

And I see shared the bread in the cup with the disciples that night. It wasn't done in a vacuum huge live that life of sacrificing of love for three years with them over the years before that around those who knew you and it's the power of God raised you from the dead you commissioned us to go and do likewise to go and make disciples. To share the gospel with people who are different than we are to reach out across across the aisle and across the street and across the community and around the world. To serve you to serve them. And through your salvation power. They can be saved. And we asked you that as we take on the bread and the cop to renew ass again in that commitment. To give ourselves as you did.

To reach the least and the last and the lost in Jesus name we pray amen. Or ask are our servers to come forward and begin to help us to serve this communion supper. The Last Supper instituted by our Lord Jesus Christ as a Sacrament leprechaun leaves his life and sufferings is sacrificial death is resurrection and the hope of his coming again. It shows for the Lord's death until his return. And this communion supper is a means of grace in which Christ is present by his spirit. To be received in an appreciation and gratefulness for some of you perhaps even received in confession and repentance and drawing close to God in doing so all those who will believe in Christ for salvation are invited to participate in the death in the resurrection of Christ to his supper and we come to the table so that we may be renewed and life and salvation and be made one in the spirit and unity with a church to this supper. We confess our faith that Christ has died Christ has risen and Christ will come again. Amen. Holy God We Gather at this your table in the name of your son Jesus Christ by your spirit was anointed to preach the good news. To the poor Proclaim freedom for the captives set at Liberty those who are oppressed as you heal the sick and fed the hungry and ate with Sinners established a New Covenant for the can forgive me forgiveness of sins. May we do also may we live in the hope that is active? That redeems the world and prepares the world for you're coming again. In your name we pray amen. So on the night that he was betrayed he took bread and gave thanks broke the bread and gave it to his disciples and said this is my body which was given for you do this in remembrance of me likewise when the supper was over. He took the cup gave thanks and gave it to his disciples and said this is my blood of the New Covenant drink from it. All of you. It will be poured out for many for them to give him some sins do so in remembrance of me as we do we ask you to keep the bread in the cup and we will take it together as a rushers prepare to serve us.

The body of our Lord Jesus Christ broken for you preserve you blameless unto everlasting life eat this in remembrance that Christ died for you and be thankful.

The blood of the Lord Jesus Christ for you preserve you blameless unto everlasting life. They drink this in remembrance that Christ died for you and be thankful.

Adele we pray together as Christ taught us to pray Our Father who art in heaven Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation. But Deliver Us from Evil for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

Stand with us as we sing. What a powerful name.

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